Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bring it on.

Lately, I haven't been reading the bible. I haven't really had motivation. I have kind of been growing further away from God the past month ... But I went to West Ellensburg Park, like I always do to write in my journal and read the bible. I wrote these exact words before I started reading, "God, please reveal yourself to me. Answer me through your word. I can't hide from you, so please let me see you." So, I randomly opened my bible and started reading Psalm 38. Here it is::

O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your wrath.

2 For your arrows have pierced me,
and your hand has come down upon me.

3 Because of your wrath there is no health in my body;
my bones have no soundness because of my sin.

4 My guilt has overwhelmed me
like a burden too heavy to bear.

5 My wounds fester and are loathsome
because of my sinful folly.

6 I am bowed down and brought very low;
all day long I go about mourning.

7 My back is filled with searing pain;
there is no health in my body.

8 I am feeble and utterly crushed;
I groan in anguish of heart.

9 All my longings lie open before you, O Lord;
my sighing is not hidden from you.

10 My heart pounds, my strength fails me;
even the light has gone from my eyes.

11 My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds;
my neighbors stay far away.

12 Those who seek my life set their traps,
those who would harm me talk of my ruin;
all day long they plot deception.

13 I am like a deaf man, who cannot hear,
like a mute, who cannot open his mouth;

14 I have become like a man who does not hear,
whose mouth can offer no reply.

15 I wait for you, O LORD;
you will answer, O Lord my God.

16 For I said, "Do not let them gloat
or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips."

17 For I am about to fall,
and my pain is ever with me.

18 I confess my iniquity;
I am troubled by my sin.

19 Many are those who are my vigorous enemies;
those who hate me without reason are numerous.

20 Those who repay my good with evil
slander me when I pursue what is good.

21 O LORD, do not forsake me;
be not far from me, O my God.

22 Come quickly to help me,
O Lord my Savior.

This is exactly what I've been feeling. God answered this prayer, for Him to reveal Himself. Which leads me to say that I can do anything with God on my side, and I can't do anything without God. So I find myself saying ... "Life sucks sometimes. It's so hard. But Jesus; if I have you ... All I have to say is 'Bring it on, world.'"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My God, my King.

You shake this ground like thunder
I'm fake, and bound to sunder
You are my God and King
I'm breathless before you now
I'm speechless to wonder how
You are my God and King
Your creation is broken
our eyes aren't even open
You are my God and King
Forgiven for things I've done
the darkness has never won
You are my God and King
You carried our sins that day
So that we don't have to pay
You are the song that I sing
You are my God and King

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Don't you hate when people end up being who you really hoped they weren't? It's like you go to an extreme to trust someone that seems so ... trustworthy. But when you actually build that trust with them and talk about something that you really care about; a real problem ... you're left standing next to a person that you really don't know, because they ended up the opposite of who they say they are. But you're not as much disappointed in them as you are in yourself. You think, I can't believe I actually thought I found someone I trust with all my heart. You're abandoned to questions that test your life, your faith, your all... and you'll just do it again next time. I want someone in my life that I can trust no matter what. Someone that will always be here for me. Someone that understands how I feel, and is compassionate and caring about it. I need to trust. I need to be.