Sunday, December 16, 2007


No one is a worthless piece of crap. You have to understand that everyone around you is human. We all make mistakes; big or not; they are mistakes.

Did you know that people said Jesus was worthless? They said he was blasphemy. Well, obviously he wasn't... He was God's son. He was God. But, seriously, he died for us "worthless pieces of crap." The creator of the universe loves us that much to give up his son to save us from death. Jesus loved the guy who was whipping his back. Wouldn't it be hard to turn to a person that's murdering you and think "I love you. Enough to let you do this to me."? Jesus loved the men that were chanting for him to be put to his death. I can't even pound it into your head enough for you to really understand. No one can yet fathom God's love. It's greater than anything.

I think it's hypocritical and wrong to say that another person is worthless. You are the same as him or her. God loves him or her. God loves you. No matter what you've done, no matter who you are. Non-Christians and Christians, he loves us the same.

Think about it.

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